[bf1942] Demo quality level

ScratchMonkey ScratchMonkey at MatureAsskickers.net
Sun Dec 25 13:32:07 EST 2005

--On Sunday, December 25, 2005 11:53 AM +0100 Andreas Fredriksson 
<deplinenoise at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not sure what the tresholds were eventually set to, but the
> parameter controls the amount of bandwidth the virtual networks stream
> for the demo gets.

One of my admins notes that the chat isn't visible in low quality mode and 
is planning to see if it appears in higher modes.

Has anyone tried to log to a RAM disk to reduce the lag effects on a 
high-capacity server? (With Linux, this should be easily doable my mounting 
the RAM disk over the demo directory.)

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