AW: [bf1942] Where can i DL

cuban cuban at
Sun Mar 16 21:20:43 EST 2003

My point in saying to boycott it is... "you won't get anymore money on
this game, until you provide the customers with the value promised". If
EA wants my money on RTR, they will need to release the Linux servers

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Kukral [mailto:dk at] 
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 7:11 PM
To: bf1942 at
Subject: Re: AW: [bf1942] Where can i DL

Okay, I'm confused. There isn't a "RTR Server" for Windows. RTR is 
essentially just a mod that EA released. You can currently use it under 
Linux the same way you can use Desert Combat or any other mod.

I personally am hoping we get a 1.31 server real soon. I've got a 64 
person LAN party in less than 2 weeks that depends on it.

It seems the only problem we have here is that EA suprised Ryan with a 
point release but I am sure he is off working on it. I will not go sign 
some petition just because somebody says to. Especially with 
misinformation like the comment about RTR. I think Ryan and EA are doing

a great job. It sure would be nice to have a little more communication 
from Ryan but as a coder I can accept that communication probably isn't 
very high on his TODO list.

So, I would just like to say this, before we all run off and sign a 
petition to EA that could cause more problems than it is worth. Please 
remember that Ryan already tasked with doing what you are asking EA to 
do. They could just decide that he isn't doing a good enough job or that

it just isn't worth the effort and pull the plug on the whole thing. So 
why don't we just give it some more time and actually see what the guy 
doing the work has to say about the whole thing.


cuban at wrote:

>I was just about to say the same thing. For those of us who have BF but

>not RTR. We should boycott RTR until linux server is released.
>>If no support for linux then don't buy RTR.
>>  -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>  Von: +Mc+ FragMeister [mailto:fragmeister at]
>>  Gesendet: Sonntag, 16. März 2003 22:18
>>  An: bf1942 at
>>  Betreff: RE: [bf1942] Where can i DL
>>  Hi Andrew,
>>  None yet, but can you please go and sign this petition, and ask all
>>  gamers
>>you know to also sign it?
>>  Thanks !
>>    -----Original Message-----
>>    From: Andrew Parisio [mailto:wkyasnipehunt at]
>>    Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 1:49 PM
>>    To: bf1942 at
>>    Subject: [bf1942] Where can i DL
>>    The newest version?
>>    I don’t see it anywhere on and don’t remember where I
>>    got
>>the older version 1.3
>>    Is there a 1.31? I haven’t kept up with the mailing list.
>>    Thanks
>>    Andrew

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