AW: [bf1942] bf1942 packages

ScratchMonkey ScratchMonkey at
Mon Mar 10 07:33:56 EST 2003

--On Monday, March 10, 2003 09:19:11 AM +0100 "Daniel E. Atencio Psille" 
<dea at> wrote:

> Shouldn't a similar functionality exist in /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
> which lets you run a service as another user so you wouldn't have to
> worry about using su?

True. I ended up using su because the shell function provided didn't quite 
provide what I needed. In particular, it didn't provide me with a way to 
switch directories before launching the app. In retrospect I guess I could 
do that from a second script invoked by the initscript. This auxiliary 
script would be what's launched as the daemon, so it wouldn't care what 
directory it started from.

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