[bf1942] Final Release

Reinder P. Gerritsen reinder at strikerz.net
Thu Feb 13 18:02:28 EST 2003

Guess tha'll be when the beta's are finished developing ... 
Could just be me ofcause, but wouldn't it be anywhere all over the web
if the release date of the final product was known?

It's beta, it's non-comercial (?) 3rd party ported...
That kind of developement just had no timetable. It's done, when it's
I'd say, we'd better be damn glad there is a beta some sort of
publically availeble.

-----Original Message-----
From: --=*dD*|Campino=-- [mailto:campino at divine-devils.de] 
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 9:44 PM
To: BF1942- Fans
Subject: [bf1942] Final Release

Hello BF1942 Fans,

  Does anybody know the release date of the final verion of the linux

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