[bf1942] major bug

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at clutteredmind.org
Tue Feb 4 09:18:45 EST 2003

> Pff, plz READ what they write on the page!
> It's related to the 1.3 patch! Is there a 1.3 patch for the Linux server? No, so does it affect Linux servers or in any way the efforts of Ryan C?

...but it will affect the Linux patch.

I haven't looked for this in the source, but the screenshot suggests that
it's some sort of debugging thing, and easily removed...but it'll probably
need a client patch. Since 1.2, the servers verify the client's .exe
checksum, so it can reject people that haven't patched their
clients...while that's easy enough to hack in the client binary, it
wouldn't be hard to make a 1.3 client network incompatible in other ways
to force players to upgrade.

Overall, not a huge problem, and it's likely more a problem of the client
than server.

Forgive my rambling....I've been merging code all night.  :)


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