[bf1942] Battlefield and ...

Scratch Monkey ScratchMonkey at SewingWitch.com
Thu Dec 11 13:33:10 EST 2003

--On Thursday, December 11, 2003 3:31 PM +0100 Luca Fabbro
<luca.fabbro at procne.it> wrote:

> I'm just wondering if BF1942 can be run sharing resources with another game
> like for example an ID based game engine. From what I've read it seems that
> it's cpu usage will allow it but to be sure I'm asking about it.

It *is* a pig. We run a bunch of Tribes 2 servers and an America's Army server
alongside our BF server and the BF server is by far the pig at the CPU.
Fortunately we've got two CPU's, so the other games aren't affected too much
by it. Here's our server specs:


Here's a snapshot of top output:

 10:30am  up 94 days,  4:07,  1 user,  load average: 1.39, 1.14, 1.03
178 processes: 171 sleeping, 7 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states: 42.1% user,  6.2% system,  0.0% nice, 51.0% idle
CPU1 states: 69.3% user, 20.4% system,  0.0% nice,  9.1% idle
Mem:  1029996K av, 1013512K used,   16484K free,       0K shrd,   37908K buff
Swap: 2104432K av,  808012K used, 1296420K free                  179152K cached

11207 bf1942    25   0 86112  84M  4912 R    65.7  8.3  49:41 bf1942_lnxded
30019 t2-28049  15   0 42156  19M  8704 S     6.3  1.9  11:06 tribes2d
 6431 ntop      17   0 10160 9.9M  2336 S     5.5  0.9   6:10 ntop
31729 t2-28096  15   0 48084  21M  9696 S     4.5  2.1  25:39 tribes2d
28575 t2-28004  15   0 53092  22M  8468 S     3.7  2.2  12:20 tribes2d
28187 t2-28000  15   0 59828  30M 16076 S     3.1  2.9  18:57 tribes2d
31008 t2-28005  15   0 47856  19M  7240 S     2.7  1.9  12:06 tribes2d
31422 t2-28095  15   0 51524 7416  3148 S     2.7  0.7  13:05 tribes2d
32474 t2-28099  15   0 46600  25M  3192 S     2.5  2.5  11:48 tribes2d
29282 t2-28006  15   0 47288  17M  7512 R     2.3  1.6  12:21 tribes2d
 5979 scratch   15   0   932  932   444 S     2.3  0.0   0:00 qstat
32085 t2-28098  15   0 40664 5564  3120 S     2.1  0.5   9:07 tribes2d
30741 t2-28070  15   0 47728  18M  3964 S     1.9  1.8   9:07 tribes2d
31034 t2-28093  15   0 45896  20M  3608 S     1.9  2.0  10:41 tribes2d
  887 nobody    34  19 52500 3516  1424 S N   1.5  0.3 812:37 tss2_rc2
29658 t2-28043  15   0 46380  20M  7664 S     1.3  2.0  11:36 tribes2d
 5957 scratch   15   0  1148 1148   828 R     1.1  0.1   0:00 top
28313 aao       15   0  158M 5972  4236 S     0.9  0.5 154:06 server-bin
30339 t2-28050  15   0 50920  22M 16196 S     0.9  2.2   8:34 tribes2d
    7 root      15   0     0    0     0 SW    0.1  0.0  20:20 kswapd
  666 ntp       15   0  1888 1888  1816 S     0.1  0.1   6:27 ntpd
 5205 nobody    15   0  1068  972   864 S     0.1  0.0  20:07 tss
32575 t2-tv     16   0  1056 1028   928 S     0.1  0.0   0:22 t2start
 5980 scratch   15   0   384  384   320 S     0.1  0.0   0:00 sed

(server-bin is America's Army.)

The BF server tends to run full with 24 people, while we just have a handful
of people at any given time on the T2 servers, and the AA server hasn't really
gotten much use yet.

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