Linux dedicated problems (update 2) with Wake

prodigy prodigy at
Sat Dec 28 23:01:16 EST 2002

Hey Guys,

STUB: might be important {Engine/WorldObjTemplFx/Emitter.cpp:471}.

I get this error over and over when I change my server to run on Wake.  I modified Default.con to look like so:

Game.setGameLevelPath Bf1942/Levels/Wake

And my maplist.con to look like so:

game.addLevel Wake
game.setCurrentLevel Wake

The above error repeats continuously causing my server do do 30% CPU with no one on the server.  It does not do this with the default set Tobruk.

Am I missing something?

PID   USER     PR  NI  VIRT    RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+    Command  
1335 nobody    12   0   75072  73m   15m R  30.1    3.6        0:15.62  bf1942_lnxded 


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