Poor Gfx performance

Artur Bać arturbac at o2.pl
Sat Apr 26 10:28:03 EDT 2003

I noticed that on linux this game have poor gfx performance
On the same machine on windows i got better FPS
I did 2 tests
1 - Single Player and Fast Network server 20ms tests
I also noticed that
1. On locla machine in single user mode
- open pipeline.aao
- playerlock 0
-mpcheat changeclass rpk

in comparision to server game with 20ms ping to this local single player game, 
on server o got even 20fps less in sme situation in the same rooms , views 

Why ???
Server is Fast enough 20ms 5MBit 
Why frame rate in singleplayer is much faster ?
This is game , game engine or Linux multitasking bug ??


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