Lemurian Pantheon Chief Deity: patron of slavers and ruler of the Dreaded Ones (the name the Lemurians have for their gods), his preferred form is that of a great stone man (i.e. Easter Island) who bears a whip and a set of slaving chains. Fertility: wife/slave to, chief deity, she rules over the female aspects in Lemurian culture. As is demonstrated by her slave status, women aren't highly regarded in this culture. She is responsible primarily as a fertility goddess, and thus is also patron of agriculture. Warrior: son to the chief god, he rules over the military portions of Lemuria. He has several variations: the patron of war, pillage, piracy is an area shared with the sea god, and other unsavoury aspects of combat. Metallurgy: one of the few non malevolent gods of the pantheon, the craftsman god watches over the aspects of metalworking. It is best viewed as the secret of steel from the first Conan movie. (You cannot trust man, nor woman, beast or god, this , this you can trust) or something to that effect. It doesn't often concern itself with most of the mortals, trusting instead to those with skill in his area of interest. Its preferred form is that of an ever-changing blob of metal, kinda looks like mercury. Art: this is one of the only benign deities, she is woefully outnumbered, and her role in the pantheon is rather small. She has a much greater role in Muya, where her artwork is appreciated more so, than in most of Lemuria. She (and her followers) are often viewed with great disdain by most of the Lemurians, who being a savage race have little use for such trivialities as aesthetics. This leads to great conflicts of the worshippers of this goddess and that of the fertility goddess, who believes that women should be inferior to the rulers (men), and not partake of such trivialities as art. This applies to both the men and women. Sea: the lord of the sea is a fickle god, like his portfolio. He is known for his changing viewpoints, and his whimsy is easy to acquire, but hard to keep. This leads most of the Lemurians to view him with an uncharacteristic fear. He is invoked before any and all sea voyages. Death: the goddess of death is an uncaring and cold deity. She rules her underworld as a harsh mistress, but could care less about the mortal world. Wealth/money/commerce: He is the patron of trade and money and all sorts of economical related stuff. While he is a relatively benign god, he is also the lord of greed. Nature/wildlife: the lord of animals doesn't care about humanity. His only concerns are the creatures of nature and the aspects of wildlife. His preferred form is that of a giant insect.