Finger info for

YA New Plan Format:

-=- Current Projects

Yet Another Hail Friend Computer Rewrite:
- Finish networking layer
- Learn 3D graphics

Valgrind MMX/SSE/SSE2 Patch:
- Finish the grunt work of looking up all the opcodes and checking
what they modify.
- Parse a few thousand lines of code in the JITter.
- Serial homicide, targets: guy who invented ModR/M, guy who EOLed
the x86 manuals before I could get a copy.

- I/O plugins for formats other than INI
- configuration write code

Miscellaneous Crap:
- libcpuinfo: add support for the extended flags in CPUID 0x80000001
on Hammer.
- Figure out a non-crappy way of getting Disciples 2's mad phat STL
implementation isolated from the system.
- Get ammo and weapons for aforementioned homicide.

-=- Feb 2, 2002

Comment of the day: valgrind-1.9.3, coregrind/vg_to_ucode.c:424

"What happens to the souls of CPU architects who dream up such horrendous
schemes, do you suppose?"

What, indeed?

When this .plan was written: 2003-02-03 03:31:10
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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