Finger info for


  I think I've mentioned before that Majesty is shipping, if you're a
Linux gamer, I hope you've ordered a copy already. Every order counts,
and the larger the numbers LGP can shop around with, the better (and
more) titles LGP can get.

  Disciples 2 has been handed over to another LGP employee (this took
place last fall). I'm not sure what the current state is. SoulRide is
pretty much ready, I just hope to add x86_64 to the existing arch list of
x86, ppc, alpha, and sparc. There will be a Majesty patch to address a
glibc 2.3 (2.3.2 only, maybe) issue, plus all the accumulated things so

  I really have anything else to say. I don't know that my personal
problems are .finger food, nor that people would be interested, and I
don't have much exciting to say. That's part of why it's been so long
since the last update.


  Majesty: (gold) Now shipping! (working on 1.0a patch)

  1.08 patch: in the hands of Someone Else

  Disciples 2 (aka Secret Porting Project 3):
  In progress: in the hands of Someone Else

  Done, except for x86_64

  meldrew (uploaded, 1.1, still need to set up system to host it)
  gluon (still designing, may not happen)
  ccs4x (still designing, may not happen)
  gobhan (still designing, will happen eventually, maybe)

When this .plan was written: 2004-07-09 18:02:53
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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