Finger info for


  As I've noted before, Majesty is shipping, feel free to get it at Every order counts, and the
bigger numbers LGP shops around with, the better (and more) titles LGP
can get.

  Still getting requests on the state of Disciples 2. It's progressing.
Unfortunately, what's progressing is all plumbing, which means nothing
is visible yet. This will likely mean that the graphics will come up
fairly quickly once all the underlying bits are done. (For the record,
we're hitting a problem initializing the game data.)

  SoulRide is hung up on a DRI-specific issue. I have a proposed gold
master, but we're double- and triple-checking to see if it's actually a
problem in the code, or a problem with the drivers. Oh, and the LGP
SoulRide release will include x86, ppc, alpha, and sparc binaries.

  And completely unrelated, I'm in the Sound of Music in Tustin's
Broadway in the Park ( Katie
was cast as part of the chorus (nun, party guest), and I got roped in to
make sure there were enough males in the party scene. And, due to
scheduling (I can be there every performance night), they stuck me with
lines (two of them, in fact).

  Oh well, at least I'm not singing.


  Majesty: (gold) Now shipping!

  1.08 patch: in the hands of Someone Else

  Disciples 2 (aka Secret Porting Project 3):
  In progress, early stages (it links, most initialization works)

  In beta, almost gold

  meldrew (uploaded, 1.1, still need to set up system to host it)
  gluon (still designing, may not happen)
  ccs4x (still designing, may not happen)
  gobhan (still designing, will happen eventually)

When this .plan was written: 2003-08-13 15:16:28
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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