PhysicsFS 0.1.5 released.

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at
Fri Apr 12 21:23:52 EDT 2002

PhysicsFS 0.1.5 is now officially available. This is meant to be a stable
release before we start ripping up the build system, port to a few more
platforms, and generally finalize things for a 1.0 release.

All users of previous revisions are encouraged to upgrade immediately.

Important upgrade notes:
  * PHYSFS_setSaneConfig() behaviour has changed slightly. Be aware.
  * PHYSFS_getUserDir() now returns the basedir on platforms that don't
    have a better idea as to where to specify. This may change again.
  * We have added data type abstractions, and changed the size of types
    that some functions use and return, notably adding 64-bit i/o. This
    breaks binary compatibility with previous releases, but makes the
    library more portable.
  * We promise we won't break backward compatibility after a 1.0 release.

What's new between 0.1.4 and 0.1.5 in order of importance:
  * PhysicsFS should now be thread-safe.
  * MacOS Classic (8/9) support has been added. CodeWarrior 6 project
    files are available for download.
  * More robust support for Windows NT-based systems. Visual C 6 project
    files are available for download.
  * Initial support for Darwin-based systems like MacOS X.
  * All known byte ordering bugs have been removed.
  * win32 support package now uses zlib 1.1.4, to fix potential
    double-free() bug.
  * Abstractions over file i/o have been added to the platform drivers, so
    we are no longer dependent on the quality of a platform's stdio code.
  * Added (public domain) example code on how to use PhysicsFS with SDL's
    RWops interface.
  * test_physfs can now handle quoted arguments (for filenames with
    spaces) in most commands.
  * Added a "cat" command to test_physfs.
  * Other cleanups and fixes.

Source download:

Visual C++ 6.0 project files and support code:

CodeWarrior 6/MacOS project files and support code:

Thanks to Gregory S. Read for the win32 work, David Hedbor for some fixes,
and Patrick Stein for the Darwin patches.


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