Unreal Gold for Linux
This is where you can get the Unreal Gold installer for Linux.
It will install Unreal Gold as an Unreal Tournament mod.
This is for the Unreal Gold CD only! If you have Unreal or Unreal: Return To Na Pali, go here for Unreal, and here for Unreal: Return To Na Pali.
Here's a shot of the installer:
Download the Unreal Gold Installer (md5sum).
The installer is approximately 3.6MB.
IMPORTANT: You must have Unreal Tournament installed first and patched to 436.
If you have any problems, see the README.
As Unreal Gold is Unreal and Return To Na Pali on one CD, there are no specific Unreal Gold screenshots. However, there are Unreal screenshots here
and Return To Na Pali screenshots here.